Sustainability series- The love of Sustainability series is passed on from generation to generation

Date: 2023-07-14

AGRU, which began operations in 1948, celebrates its 75th anniversary this year.

The topic of Sustainability is increasingly becoming a focus for AGRU.

“We are already thinking today about tomorrow!” AGRU says it and Agru does it.

Develop and produce high quality products, use renewable energy, have the courage to assume social responsibility...

The courage to assume social responsibility, love from generation to generation, the world will become a better place!

In May 2023, AGRU China received a donation certificate from Changshu Charity Federation.

The certificate states,

Changshu Charity Federation will carry out charity activities such as helping the poor, helping the elderly and orphans, caring for the sick and disabled, providing both special care and emergency disaster relief.

On July 13, the president of the Changshu Charity Federation and his delegation came to the Urban Management Bureau of the city to visit the front-line sanitation workers fighting in the high temperature, and presented high temperature condolences materials, including laundry detergent, soap, towels, shampoo, bath milk and other summer supplies and mineral water.

Let the sanitation workers feel the coolness given by the society, and ensure the cleanliness and beauty of the city under high temperature!
Brave to take social responsibility, AGRU Austria headquarters is also acting,

2023.05.07, the "Wings for Life" World Run takes place at AGRU headquarters in Austria.

The Wings for Life World Run is a unique, globally-oriented running event where participants in various countries start at the same time. The goal of the run is to raise funds for the Wings for Life Foundation, which is dedicated to researching and finding a cure for spinal cord injuries leading to paralysis.
AGRU team and friends participated in the "Wings of Life" World run and achieved excellent performance. With their support and that of many other participants worldwide, the Wings for Life Foundation comes one step closer to achieving its vision of finding a cure for spinal cord injuries resulting in paralysis.

The 75th anniversary is a new starting point for AGRU, and the future is far away!